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Sharing friends-something we all need to work on?

One of the key themes explored in the later books in the Dog in the Furry Suit series is the challenge of friendship sharing…

Bernard learns that it is fun to have 1 friend, Fred, but it is very challenging for him when Fred introduces him to his other friends, friends Fred has known longer than Bernard.

I felt this theme is perhaps something we can all relate to…

How often, even in adulthood, are we challenged when do not receive an expected invitation? We have made an evaluation that we rank highly enough with the person sending out the invites to justify inclusion and feel let down when nothing lands in the letterbox.

I am not sure when, if ever, we are actually taught to deal with these feelings of hurt, and whilst we might not, in adulthood, be trying to label someone our ‘best friend’ I think we all, on some level,  hope that we rank highly in the pecking order of valued friends.

Exploring these challenging issues through Bernard’s eyes, was a valuable exercise, personally. If I am honest, I generally want my close friends to see the world as I do, it provides security and a feeling that we understand each other. But, as Bernard finds out, embracing new friends who have a different view of the world adds colour, it also helps him to keep trying new things and makes him question some of his own views.


Perhaps we should all take a leaf out of Bernard’s book? Bernard gains so much more and learns so much more about himself by sharing Fred, than he does from keeping him to himself. Being open to a wider group of friends who challenge us should also generally mean more invites are forthcoming!