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Tales of owning a rescue dog-Part 3

‘Milo-the grateful’

Milo quickly showed when he came to live with us that he had an uncanny knack of finding THE most comfortable place to sleep that was available to him. He was an opportunist. He’d had tough times; we knew that and so it seemed he was damn sure he was going to take any good stuff that was going!

He grasped every bit of comfort he could and almost looked apologetic about it, but not quite! We loved his ability to take pleasure from the smallest act of kindness shown to him and is so incredibly appreciative in a way Jack, who we had had from a puppy, had never been…

He quickly proved to be an amazingly affectionate dog and loved to sit across my daughter’s lap, especially if there was a comfy blanket already there…

He really enjoyed his food and his delight after every meal (even after 9 years) is still extraordinary. He will have a roll on the living room carpet and then go and find his ball for a game. 

Milo is a wonderful example of not ‘sweating the small stuff’. If he has had his tummy rubbed, a field walk and some good food he couldn’t be happier. He is a great advert for ‘keeping life simple’…